Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Foursome Anybody? –The Trials And Tribulations Of Sand-Bagger Johnson-Part Three

Sand-Bagger Johnson noticed that brisk raw Saturday morning Lucky Pierre as they were heading to the dreaded first tee at Pine Pond Golf course was eying his golf bag and had the look of fear and trepidation as he noticed that Sand-Bagger had Big Emma in there among the scattered collection of weapons as his disposal. Lucky Pierre, and not just him but wiry Zow (or Chou old time spelling) and out for the first time this season lanky Casey, who made up the foursome that day, had the look of doom upon their faces now that Big Emma was on the scene. They had all ridiculed the Sand-Bagger for “forgetting” to put the number one metal wood club (a.k.a “the driver” in some circles but he preferred the number designation) but now were visibly worried about their fates.   

(All names here are fictious to protect the innocent as well as the guilty-you know the guys who moved their ball in the rough even under summer rules, who take a club length and a half when they are only entitled to one club length and “forgot” about that booted shot on number six when they call out their five that should have been six. We will not even speak of the ultimate scam of the “gentleman’s seven,” or eight as the case may be, since no gentleman does that as a matter of honor but takes his manly eleven and be done with it.)       

This was to be the first time this season that this motley crew was to tee it up and to play a team best-ball match. As they stood at the blues on the first tee they all were in muted anticipation as Sand-Bagger flipped the tee in the air to determine the teams (an odd but long-standing tradition on the golf links going back to the time of Charles the First of England who was a horrible monarch and who eventually lost his head although more for state policy than anything else but from all accounts was a pretty fair linkster). The tee landed pointed directly at Zow. Immediately the wiry dude had a big smile on his face as he knew this match was “in the bag.” 

And as it turned out after a rough start Sand-Bagger and Zow brought home the bacon that day. As for Big Emma, well, you know sometimes just the threat of the big stick will rattle nervous guys. That was the case that day.

Summary for Casey-Sand-Bagger and  Zow pocketed an Abe apiece. 

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