Monday, June 16, 2014

Don't bomb Iraq

President Obama will decide how to respond to the crisis in Iraq over the next few days.
Tell Congress to speak out against bombing Iraq.
Take Action

Dear Al,

John McCain is shaking his fist angrily and calling for military action. Lindsey Graham is invoking terrorist attacks and describing American air power as “the only option.” The president is huddled with his advisers considering military options for Iraq. Did we just travel in a time machine to 2003?

Sadly, we are having yet another debate about using the blunt and ineffective instrument of military force to deal with a complex crisis in Iraq. President Obama just announced that he’ll decide on military action “in the days ahead” and the US is reportedly moving an aircraft carrier to the area. 

President Obama recently laid out his foreign policy vision in a speech at West Point, saying “Just because we have the best hammer does not mean that every problem is a nail.” So why isn't he looking for other tools in his toolbox?

We’ve seen this play out before. The gains made by ISIS militants and their allies and the Maliki government's sectarian politics require a smart strategy. Dropping bombs on a volatile situation is likely to escalate the conflict, not resolve it, and innocent civilians will lose their lives in the process.

We stopped the bombing of Syria because we responded quickly and loudly, and Congress raised a ruckus.  Tell them to do it again.

In some ways this feels like déjà vu all over again. But a lot has changed in the past decade. The American people have learned a lesson about the reckless use of military force. Let’s make sure our leaders don’t forget it.

Shelagh Foreman For peace,
Shelagh Foreman
Program Director

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