Tuesday, February 5, 2013

From The Boston Bradley Manning Support Committee Archives (November 21, 2013 )

From The Boston Bradley Manning Support Committee Archives (November 21, 2013 )



Let’s Redouble Our Efforts To Free Private Bradley Manning-President Obama Pardon Bradley Manning -Make Every Town Square In America (And The World) A Bradley Manning Square From Boston To Berkeley to Berlin-Join Us In Central Square, Cambridge, Ma. For A Thanksgiving Stand-Out For Bradley- Wednesday November 21 From 5:00-6:00 PM


The Private Bradley Manning case is headed toward a mid- winter trial now scheduled for February 2013. The recent news on his case has centered on the many (since last April) pre-trial motions hearings including defense motions to dismiss for lack of speedy trial (Private Manning’s pre-trial confinement is now entering 900 plus days), dismissal as a matter of freedom of speech and alleged national security issues (issues for us to know what the hell the government is doing either in front of us, or behind our backs) and dismissal based on serious allegations of torturous behavior by the military authorities extending far up the chain of command while Private Manning was detained at the Quantico Marine brig for about a year ending in April 2011. The latest news from the November 2012 pre-trail sessions is the offer by the defense to plead guilty to lesser charges (wrongful, unauthorized use of the Internet, etc.) in order to clear the deck and have the major (with a possibility of a life sentence) espionage /aiding the enemy issue solely before the court-martial judge (a single military judge, the one who has been hearing the pre-trial motions, not a lifer-stacked panel).    

For the past several months there has been a weekly stand-out in Greater Boston across from the Davis Square Redline MBTA stop (renamed Bradley Manning Square for the stand-out’s duration) in Somerville on Friday afternoons but we have since July 4, 2012 changed the time and day to 4:00-5:00 PM on Wednesdays. This stand-out has, to say the least, been very sparsely attended. We need to build it up with more supporters present. This Wednesday November 21st  at 5:00 PM  in order to broaden our outreach we, in lieu of our regular Davis Square stand-out, are meeting in Central Square , Cambridge, Ma.(small park  at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue  and Prospect Street) for a special Thanksgiving stand-out for Private Manning. President Obama Pardon Private Manning Now!  

Please join us when you can. Or better yet if you can’t join us start a Support Bradley Manning weekly stand-out in some location in your town whether it is in the Boston area, Berkeley or Berlin. And please sign the petition for his release either in person or through the "Bradley Manning Support Network". We have placed links to the "Manning Network” and "Pardon Private Manning Square" website below.

Those of us who support his cause should thus redouble our efforts to secure Private Manning’s freedom. The status of the legal case may change a little over the next period if some form of negotiated plea on the lesser charges is worked out (although that is right now only in the preliminary stages and is far from etched in stone and we believe that he has committed no crime in need of punishment but rather has done humankind a great service by his alleged actions) however donations to the legal fund should still be sent and solicited. The petitioning to the Secretary of the Army for Private Manning release (see link above) should still be gathering signatures and the telephone/e-mail/letter campaign to the White House urging recently re-elected President Obama, who has the constitutional authority to do so, to pardon Private Manning now should continue.

For the past several months there has been a weekly stand-out in Greater Boston across from the Davis Square Redline MBTA stop (renamed Bradley Manning Square for the stand-out’s duration) in Somerville on Friday afternoons but we have since July 4, 2012 changed the time and day to 4:00-5:00 PM on Wednesdays. This stand-out has, to say the least, been very sparsely attended. We need to build it up with more supporters present. Please join us when you can. Or better yet if you can’t join us start a Support Bradley Manning weekly stand-out in some location in your town whether it is in the Boston area, Berkeley or Berlin. And please sign the petition for his release either in person or through the "Bradley Manning Support Network". We have placed links to the "Manning Network” and "Pardon Private Manning Square" website below.


Bradley Manning Support Network-http://www.bradleymanning.org/

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